When it comes to insulating your attic in Florida, the best general insulation is aerosol foam insulation. This type of insulation is pre-cut and sized to fit most standard building sizes and can be used to insulate floors, walls, and ceilings. You can measure the thickness of the insulation with a ruler and multiply the number of inches by the R value of that particular insulation to get an insulation rating. Blown fiberglass installed in the attic has an R value of 2.2 per inch, so 12 inches would give it an R value of 26.4.Aerosol foam insulation is the most effective option for keeping your home warm during the winter and cool during the summer, but its high cost makes it less desirable for homeowners looking to insulate their attics on a budget.
Blown insulation is a cheaper alternative that is literally introduced into the space you want to isolate. Composed of fiberglass, cellulose or even mineral wool, this method works well if you're looking to insulate on a budget. Before installation, ensure that the roof or walls can withstand any additional weight that may be caused by the additional insulation. And for businesses and consumers concerned about misleading advertising, inadequate installation, and other insulation-related considerations, there is a Federal Trade Commission standard designed to protect them (Title 16, Business Practices, Part 460, Labeling and Advertising of Home Insulation).When designing a new house with an unventilated attic, the air permeability of the insulation may dictate the requirements for condensation control such as set out in the Florida Building Code. Block insulation is the only insulation that requires additional consideration in terms of operation around accessories such as electrical boxes, desks, ducts, and plumbing vents. Installing the right type of attic insulation is crucial, especially for homeowners who live in hot, humid climates like Florida.
It is highly recommended to outsource experienced professionals who know the ins and outs of attic insulation.