Does Insulation Make a Notable Difference in Your Home?

When it comes to keeping your home comfortable all year round, insulation is an essential factor. It helps to prevent hot air from entering and counteracting the air conditioner, and it can also reduce the need to heat or cool your house by up to half. The type of insulation you need will depend on the room, your budget, and the temperature control you need. According to research conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), homeowners with quality insulation in their homes can expect an average savings of 15 percent in their heating and cooling costs, as well as a reduction of about 25 percent in total air infiltration.

Most insulation companies will provide you with quotes on how much it will cost, so you can know what the investment will be before installing it. In most cases, people end up saving quite a bit of money each year when they install insulation inside their home. Even if your house is old, it's likely that it is already insulated, but it's important to keep in mind that the insulation can shrink or be affected over time. If it's been a few decades since you last thought about insulation, it might be time to call a contractor to evaluate your insulation situation. Insulation is usually installed in walls, basements, and attics to address areas where heat transfer is most likely to occur. The degree of difference that insulation makes on its own depends on the type of home you have, the climate, and the type of insulation you have.

Gavin Rosal
Gavin Rosal

General tv scholar. Devoted pop culture buff. Infuriatingly humble music evangelist. Amateur music maven. Certified bacon fanatic. Typical zombie buff.